Federal Circuit: 6 Year Statute of Limitations Applies to Overstatements of Basis

The Federal Circuit relies upon Mayo Foundation to find for the government on the 6 year statute of limitations issue in Grapevine v. United States, Docket 08-5090 (Fed. Cir., March 11, 2011). The Grapevine rationale differs from that put forth by the same court in Salman Ranch Ltd. v. United States, No. 2008-5053 (Fed. Cir. July 30, 2009), (when it found for the taxpayer) and by the other circuits who have considered the same issue.

For commentary on this opinion visit Tax Appellate Blog.

Read the opinion here:
Grapevine v. United States, Docket 08-5090 (Fed. Cir., March 11, 2011)

In re FedEx Ground

The District Court for the Nothern District of Indiana denies a motion for immediate appeal of 12 consolidated cases filed against FedEx Ground. The question before each of the consolidated cases was whether FedEx drivers were independent contractors or employees, the latter of which would subject the company and drivers to state and federal employment taxes.

Read the decision here:
In re FedEx Ground, No. 3:05-MD-527 RM (N.D. Ind. Feb. 11, 2011)

Fifth Circuit: Overstated Basis is Not Omitted Income for the 6-Year Statute of Limitations

The hits keep on coming. The Fifth Circuit joins the growing chorus from the Courts of Appeals holding that an overstatement of basis does not equal an omission of income and the 6 year statute of limitations does not apply.

Read the opinion here:
Burks v. United States, No. 09-11061 (5th Cir. Feb. 9, 2011)

4th Circuit: 6 Year Statute of Limitation Does Not Apply to Overstatement of Basis

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals joins two other circuits holding that the 6 year statute of limitations does not apply to an overstatement of basis.

Read the opinion here:
Home Concrete & Supply v. United States, No. 09-2353 (4th Cir. February 7, 2011)