Innocent Spouse Regulation is an Invalid Interpretation of the Statute

In a case appealable to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Tax Court maintains that Treas. Reg. 1.6015-5(b)(1) is an invalid interpretation of IRC 6015(f) in circuits other than the Seventh Circuit (where such a ruling was overturned in Lantz v. Commissioner).

Hall v. Commissioner, 135 T.C. No. 19 (2010)

Fifth Circuit Vacates Tax Court on Donation of Historical Facade Easement

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the Tax Court’s valuation of an historic façade easement for charitable contribution purposes and remanded for further findings.

Whitehouse Hotel Limited Partnership v. Commissioner, Docket No. 09-60085 (5th Circuit August 10, 2010)

2nd Circuit: Entire Transferred Interest in Home Not Included in Estate

In a decision that prompted a 20 page dissent, the Second Circuit reverses the Tax Court on the application of Section 2036 to the transfer of a 49% interest in a home that the donor continued to occupy.

Estate of Stewart v. Commissioner, Docket 07-5370-ag (2d Cir. August 9, 2010)

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