Mark Your Calendars: IRS Closes for 5 Days Under Sequestration

UPDATE 7/17/2013: The IRS has announced that it is canceling the furlough day scheduled for Monday, July 22, 2013 mentioned below. According to the press release “the IRS will be open for taxpayers that day as scheduled.” Presumably all functions and services will be available. The press release indicates that the IRS also may cancel the scheduled August 30, 2013 furlough day but a decision has not been made.

Four Fridays and a Monday. Those are the days that the IRS will be closed under the budget cuts imposed by sequestration. Rather than rolling employee furloughs, the IRS has decided to take a few three-day weekends and close shop entirely for five days in 2013. Acting Commissioner Steven Miller make the announcement on Friday.

In addition to regular federal holidays, the IRS will be closed on the following days in 2013: May 24, June 14, July 5, July 22 and Aug. 30. IRS employees will not be paid for these days and IRS offices will not open.

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  1. Pingback: Tax Roundup, 4/23/2013: How not to make money as a lawyer. Also: report pegs EITC fraud at up to 25%. « Roth & Company, P.C